Sweat No More!

What is miraDry?
A quick in-office procedure that provides a lasting solution for excessive underarm sweat
• Lasting results
• Non-invasive
• Dramatic reduction
• Minimal to no downtime
• Immediate results
• FDA cleared
What is the procedure like?
● There are no surgical incisions or cuts
● Treatment is customized to each underarm with multiple placements of the miraDry handpiece
● Local anesthesia is administered to the underarms prior to the procedure for comfort
● Office visit appointment will generally last about one hour
How does miraDry work?
● miraDry Sytem delivers energy non-invasively to the region where the sweat glands reside, and eliminates sweat glands
● Sweat glands don’t grow back, so the results are lasting
What results can I expect?
● Lasting results – sweat glands don’t come back after treatment
● Dramatic and immediate results
● 86% average sweat reduction (from one recent clinical study)
● As with any medical procedure, results will vary by person
Is there any downtime?
● Minimal to no downtime
● Most patients can return to normal activities or work right after the procedure
● Typically resume exercise within several days
How is miraDry different from other treatment options?
● Other options are designed to temporarily disable sweat glands, OR involve surgery which contains inherent risks
● Only miraDry provides a lasting solution with a non-invasive procedure
Don’t I need my underarm sweat glands?
● Eliminating the underarm sweat glands will not affect your body’s ability to cool itself
● Your body contains over 4 million sweat glands, with only about 2% located in the underarms
Call us today to schedule your consultation appointment- Woodbury 516.364.4200 Southampton 631.287.4999 or Manhattan 212.319.4999
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